live-view 🏷️

LiveView's Lifecycle Hooks

Ever want to handle a LiveView action (event, message, patch, etc.) across several LiveViews without having to duplicate the code? LiveView's attach_hook/4 helper is the thing for you!

How is `:page_title` updated?

You probably know that the `:page_title` assign is special in Phoenix -- it is the only dynamic assign in a layout. I always wondered: how does it work? How do they make it special? So, I did a bit of code spelunking. 🤿

Phoenix forms without changesets!

Typically, we back Phoenix forms with an Ecto changeset. But sometimes, I prefer having more separation between the UI and the changeset that stores data in the database. Check out how we can use the new `to_form/2` helper to do just that.

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